The Lean Management System: An Overview Course

2 days/ 1 day abridged/ 1 day online 

This is an overview of the elements that comprise the Lean Management System (LMS) and acts as a prerequisite to the deep dive courses that deal with each element in depth. Additionally, we will examine how the elements work together to create a system of continuous improvement through collaborative problem solving. The course serves as a summary overview of the deep dive element courses in the Lean Management System learning track.

Lean Management System Overview

Lean organizations depend on developing the problem-solving capabilities of the entire workforce while allocating specific categories of problems to each layer of the organization. While there is still a need for expertise in specialty departments, the emphasis here is on the performance of the entire value stream and the customer it serves. Leadership in this type of organization is less focused on being the problem solver and more focused on building the problem-solving muscle of the workforce. While traditional organizations delegate problem solving within 10-20% of the workforce, Lean organizations endeavor to have the entire organization actively engaged in problem solving.

Learn-See-DoThe course is structured as repetitive cycles of Learn-See-Do. First, we will teach a principle, then you will see how this principle is put into practice in three sectors; manufacturing, office & services, and healthcare. After that, the class will participate in implementing the principle at Wishmaker, Inc. (a generic company created to illustrate the application of principles to a business) fulfilling the “do” cycle.

We will repeat these Learn-See-Do cycles until each element is covered and then examine how the pieces work together to support a problem-solving culture typical of a mature Lean organization.

Course Outline

  • The attributes that define management systems in general, i.e., what is a management system?
  • An understanding of how LMS compares and contrasts with other more traditional management systems both historically and in common usage today
  • Characteristics of Lean organizations, defining the target condition
  • Summary overview of the Lean Management System and an examination of each element
    • True North
    • Standard work
    • Visual management
    • People systems
    • Leader standard work and behaviors
    • Accountability versus blame
  • Examination of how each of these elements work together to create a synergy which builds the culture of continuous improvement
  • The process of transformation into a Lean thinking organization


  • You will understand how to go beyond the application of Lean tools and create an organization that embodies the culture of continuously improving customer value and eliminating waste
  • You will learn how to distill the elements that have made you a successful leader and embed these skills throughout the entire workforce leveraging your capability as a leader
  • You will recognize how to unlock the potential demonstrated in the islands of improvement in your company and tie them together into an entire value stream that continually improves itself over time
  • As a leader in your organization, you will learn what you have to do to personally engage in the Lean transformation process, beyond delegation and project management, so that performance improvements don’t plateau and true cultural transformation takes place


Basic understanding of Lean.

Who Should Attend?

  • Business leaders
  • Senior operations managers with cross functional responsibility
  • Function heads
  • Process improvement support personnel
  • Cross functional teams are especially powerful!
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