Planning & Managing a Lean Transformation
1 day
This is a deep dive course dealing specifically with how to plan for and manage a Lean transformation for maximum effectiveness.
Your organization has reached the point where there is strong support for a broad scale transformation. Possibly you have been running project activity in a number of isolated areas and achieved success which has built enthusiasm. Now the challenge before you is how to assemble a detailed plan of attack that will get you to where you want to be while minimizing the backsliding and missteps that characterize so many transformation efforts. Much has been learned about what works and what does not work in a comprehensive Lean transformation effort. Just observing companies like Toyota may provide great guidance on what the target condition should look like, but it tells you very little about how to transform your organization. The lessons of what to look out for and to consider in your own planning lie in the experiences of Western culture companies that have come through the experience successfully, even if not efficiently. This course pulls together those hard-won lessons and will teach you not how to copy them, but rather how to think about each element of the transformation process in a way that is customized to your needs. Each transformation plan is unique to the business needs, operational realities, and culture of the organization. However, the elements to consider and the sequence of planning for them is repeatable. This course will teach you how to build the right plan for you.
Course Outline
- What is a Lean transformation and what constitutes success?
- What are the predominant models of transformation and what experience does the Lean community have with them?
- What are the elements to consider in your planning and how do they interrelate?
- Deep dive into the transformation planning elements of:
- Leadership Alignment
- Enterprise and Value Stream Mapping
- Piloting
- Initial Deployment
- Full Scale Deployment
- Development of internal Lean consulting experts
- How is HR impacted?
- How is Finance impacted?
- How is IT impacted?
- How do we maximize the rate of organizational learning at each phase?
- How do we maximize the desired cultural rate of change?
- How do we maximize the business performance improvement?
- How do we manage change in a Lean transformation?
- What are the roles and responsibilities for each member of the organization?
- What is the Leader Standard Work associated with managing the Lean transformation process?
At the end of this course you will have:
- An understanding of what the target condition is for the transformation process and what success looks like
- An understanding of what the pitfalls of poorly planned transformations are and what to watch out for in your own planning
- A methodical and logical process to develop a comprehensive Lean transformation that is specific to your organization’s needs
- An understanding of the infrastructure required and the specific processes employed in managing the transformation at each major phase
The Lean Management System (LMS) overview course or demonstrated LMS experience.
Who Should Attend?
- Process improvement support personnel
- Business leaders
- Senior operations managers with cross functional responsibility
- Function Heads
- Support personal in HR, Finance, and IT
- Cross functional teams are especially powerful!
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